Posted on 07 May 2015 by LeslieM

Assessment or Parking Meters for Cove Shopping Center?

Dear Editor:

[Installing] Cove parking meters is just a bad idea, period.

The District 4 commissioner says the taxpayers should not be paying for maintenance of the parking lot.

Who does he think parks there? I go to The Cove all the time. My dentist is there and I go to the Tip [Tipperary Pub] and American Rock [Bar & Grill] at least twice a week.

I own a small business in Deerfield. I don’t charge for parking — that would be a death sentence for any business.

The city manager says we need a study to figure out how much the owners would pay. Why does the city always need a consultant? Just do the math yourself. I’m sure we employ somebody who can figure out how much it costs a year to take care of the parking lot, then split [it] up with the building owners — who are more than willing to pay.

Sorry for such a long letter, but this subject really gets me going. It’s just plain common sense.

Steven J. Fabrizio

Deerfield Beach

Observer column speaks to reader

Dear Editor:

I thoroughly enjoy your column [Everything’s Coming Up Rosen] in the Observer.

Over the years, I have always been excited when Everything’s Coming Up Rosen shows up in the [news]paper.

Your viewpoint on the matters of life consistently provides me with a moment’s reflection.

Your column on love was particularly inspiring [“It’s Love Time Again,” Feb. 5, 2015, Observer]. As I have reached my young age of 36, I have seen how past advice or wisdom tends to come true.

Love is complex and wonderful and requires nurturing to stay alive.

I can read from your lines the complexity of a sustained love and imagine folks in my life who strive to ride the different phases of love.

I have told numerous friends who are in a situation of weakness that falling in love with the idea of falling in love will not satisfy your situation.

I have really enjoyed your column and thought it important to let you know that your work is appreciated.

Albert Blake Salas

Deerfield Beach

Note: Look for Emily Rosen’s column soon

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