Posted on 22 July 2015 by LeslieM

Do you feel lucky…

Well, do you?

It is coming up on the 10- year mark, since Wilma.

Yes, we have been very lucky for the last almost 10 years.

I bet there are some generators out there that haven’t cranked since 2005. You know who you are.

During the next 90 days, we have to temper living in paradise with looking over our shoulder for Mother Nature.

This is the time we should be looking for Chef Boyardee and Rayovac ® battery deals.

Clean those pine needles out of the tracks of your accordion shutters and put a little 3-INONE oil on them now, while you can take your time.

Find that jar of bolts for the bolt-on shutters and put them on the floor by the front door. Now you’re ahead of the game and can sleep better.

I want to thank our advertisers who helped us put out this Hurricane Update.

I hope you will keep this issue on top of the fridge in case you need it.

Jim Lusk

Vice President

Hurricane Season 2015

Dear Editor:

This is a word of caution to the residents of Deerfield Beach.

Just because we have been fortunate these past few years to have escaped the wrath of a hurricane, it would be foolish to let your guard down [now].

Look at the damage that the recent rainstorm we had wreaked on our trees and roads.

Those of us who were here during Hurricane Andrew can tell you that the results of one storm can be devastating.

The supplies needed can be kept on hand, and if there are advance warnings, the two things you want to be sure of are: 1) that you have enough cash on hand and 2) that your gas tank is on full — since a number of these locations will not be operational if power is lost.

Please remember, it is better to be safe than to be sorry.

Jean M. Robb, Mayor

Deerfield Beach

Thank you: fire fighters

Dear Editor:

My 8-year-old son Nicholas and my 4-year-old son Lucas love Fire Trucks!

My husband, my dad and I decided to take them to the Deerfield Beach Fire Station (Fire Station No. 66) to look at fire trucks and meet some of the firefighters.

We were warmly greeted by the fire fighters and they were kind enough to show the boys their fire truck.

Nicholas and Lucas were so excited to see a fire truck up close and even got to sit in it!

I want to thank these fire fighters for being so sweet to the boys, for making them laugh, and absolutely making their day by taking time out of their busy schedules to give the boys an awesome experience.

I also want to express my gratitude to these fire fighters and all fire fighters for everything they do, every day.

Jennifer Hall

Deerfield Beach

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