Resident wants to take back Fire Dept.
Dear Editor:
Our taxes are going up because of a rich fire department where we have one of the highest-paid fire departments in the nation, where benefits far exceed those normally in the free enterprise system, and where firefighters can enjoy a life of luxury in their mid-fifties when the rest of us are struggling to pay our bills and taxes.
I support Mayor Robb that we should take our fire department back and cut expenses by 25 to 50 percent. We would still have a very fine department, able to meet the needs of Deerfield residents, and, at the same time, cut our taxes back over time.
This is out of hand and something has to be done. I hope the residents of Deerfield Beach will stand up and say, “enough is enough.”
Dr. Charles Laser
Deerfield Beach
Editor’s note: Contract with BSO Fire Rescue expires in 2015.
Personal information database
Dear Editor:
I bet you have never heard of the Federal Data Service Hub (FDSH) The FDSH will be the largest personal information database that the Federal Government is building in order to administer Obama’s Health Care Plan.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) are in charge of this monster. The IRS will input into the database your income and employment; combine them with records from Social Security to verify your identity; Homeland Security to verify your citizenship; Dept. of Justice to check your criminal record; HHS to input your enrollment, premium, subsidy and medical claims data; and then the states to verify your residency. This information is then transmitted to all of the states exchanges and/or marketplaces for their records.
We all should be concerned about the potential for abuse and access to our personal information.
James Stevens
Deerfield Beach