Posted on 26 April 2014 by JLusk
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Posted on 24 April 2014 by LeslieM
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Posted on 24 April 2014 by LeslieM
James Forbes was looking to get his wrestlers some valuable experience at the recent Irish Fair Wrestling Tournament at Chaminade Madonna High School in Hollywood.
Forbes, who along with Bob Burns has coached the Deerfield Beach BSO-PAL wrestling team for the past 11 years, brought four grapplers to the tournament and came away pleased.
“The biggest thing was to get them mat time and more experienced,” said Forbes, who won the tournament as a heavyweight in 1970 when he was a kid. “The more they wrestle, the more accomplished they are. We also wanted to keep the tradition going.”
Forbes wrestled then for tournament director Ron Schulz. There are currently 21 wrestlers in the PAL wrestling program, ranging from seventh grader to 12th graders.
“He had the only wrestling club in the county back then, and he was the head coach at BCC (Broward Community College),” Forbes said. “What I like about this tournament is that it levels the playing field.”
“It is really nice because they can gauge how they are doing against kids who are relatively the same experience,” Forbes added. “We have a kid who was academically ineligible for the high school season, so he only got in four matches last year. Now, he gets some more.”
Deerfield Beach’s Andrew Torres, 16, fell in the 220-lb. final to Seahorse Wrestling Club’s Carlos Osterling, a sophomore at Cypress Bay High School. It was a solid performance for Torres, who has been wrestling for two years.
“It is not like any other sport,” Torres said. “It’s just different. It requires a lot more of you and the payoff is a lot better than most sports. People think you are not on the mat that long because it is only six minutes, but it is the hardest six minutes you will ever have in your life … This is six minutes straight, nonstop. This is my first time wrestling this tournament so I was happy with how I did.”
Deerfield Beach’s Ryan Sills, 16, lost his semifinal match to Seahorse Wrestling Club’s Grant Bussenbarrick, a junior at Cypress Bay; however, he was happy with the experience.
“It was my first tournament since regionals and I fell short of state,” said Sills, a sophomore at Deerfield Beach High School. “My success has been quantified at a level that I don’t think could have been reached without Coach James Forbes and Coach Bob Burns. You get what you put in and I have gotten out a lot. I am definitely qualifying for state next year in high school. It is not even a goal … It’s a necessity.”
For more information on the program, contact BSO Deputy Butch Santy at 954- 778-0174.
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Posted on 24 April 2014 by LeslieM
By Dave Montalbano
With most films being marketed for middle school students with disposable incomes, I found it refreshing to be the youngest member of the audience of the Good Friday screening of Heaven Is for Real. The matinee screening was a virtual sell-out and the film ended with a round of applause. Lacking the multi-million-dollar marketing push of Transcendence (which bombed at the box office), the box office receipts have made Heaven Is for Real the certified sleeper hit of 2014.
With the exception of the film’s opening and closing shots of a young female artist painting a picture in Russia, this film is set in the flatlands of Nebraska. Minister Todd Burpo (Greg Kinnear) and his wife Sonja (Kelly Reilly) are community leaders who are working hard to maintain their home. While relaxing on a Sunday afternoon after church services, Todd breaks his leg playing baseball. After recovery, the Burpo family takes a much-needed vacation and Colton Burpo’s (Connor Corum) appendix bursts.
As Sonja arranges for community prayers and Todd gets into an argument with God in the hospital chapel, Colton recovers. As the family returns to a routine life of financial strife, Colton starts talking about visiting Heaven and meeting Jesus. While most people dismiss Colton’s words as hallucination, Todd listens attentively. Colton begins talking about meeting deceased family members who passed away before he was born.
The television commercials fulfill the cheesy expectations that a title like Heaven Is for Real would bring. Yet, these cheesy scenes occur within the first 1/3 of the movie, which makes the viewer wonder — “What is going to happen next?”
The answer is a satisfying confluence between pragmatism and faith. Writer/director Randall Wallace excels with this form of visual storytelling. Wallace was Oscar-nominated for his screenplay of Braveheart and directed The Man in the Iron Mask, We Were Soldiers and Secretariat. Heaven Is for Real is Wallace’s most quiet movie, yet with an intense visual clarity.
Connor Corum will steal hearts. Kinnear and Reilly provide understated, but sincere, performances. Ten years ago, Reilly gave a noteworthy performance in Mrs. Henderson Presents … Since then, she has been working steadily in supporting roles (most notably as Jude Law’s longsuffering wife in Sherlock Holmes movies). Tonight, she takes center stage as a bipolar doctor in Black Box on ABC. Reilly is one of many reasons to see this lifeaffirming movie.
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Posted on 24 April 2014 by LeslieM
April 9 A guest at the Embassy Suites at 950 S. Ocean Dr. reported a bracelet valued at $1,850 stolen from a room.
April 10 A man reported his wallet missing at 150 N. Federal Hwy.
April 10 A burglary was reported at 422 SW 10 Court. A window was broken and the burglar was scared off by an alarm and no entry to the home was made.
April 10 A man made purchases using a fraudulent credit card at Island Water Sports at 1985 NE 2 St. Total loss was $3516.88.
April 10 A man reported his iPad 4 stolen from a hotel room at 100 Fairway Dr.
April 10 A man reported his home at 312 NE 38 St. broken into and $200 in cash stolen.
DEERFIELD – District 4
April 15 Residential burglary took place in Starlight Cove,733 NW 40 Terr. The caller advised BSO that she heard her dogs barking while she was sleeping in an upstairs bedroom. She came downstairs and noticed a kitchen window and rear sliding door open. Her purse was the only thing missing from the kitchen counter. She did not see anybody in the home.
April 16 Theft – Retail/ Shoplifting was reported at Target at 3599 W. Hillsboro Blvd. The suspect shoplifted a GoPro camera valued at $199 from the business. The surveillance video was recovered.
March 24 A city employee discovered a hole in the wall of a park restroom at 4501 NE 22 Ave. It is unknown how the damage – estimated at $150 — occurred.
March 25 The victim said her fiancé went out with a vehicle and found that someone had broken into it and stole $5 in loose change and a Swiss Army knife while it was parked at 2801 NE 47 St. The vehicle was unlocked and the loss was $75.
March 31 Someone entered the victim’s car while it was parked at 2811 NE 47 St. through the driver’s side window and stole a Swiss Army knife and loose change. Loss was $175.
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Posted on 24 April 2014 by LeslieM
RE: Deerfield politics: Are you serious?
Dear Editor:
The Observer newspaper edition for April 17, 2014 included a Letter to the Editor by our Mayor.
In that letter, she referenced me, the District 2 Commissioner. She starts her letter: “…I am fair game [for any comments about bigotry] but my late husband, Dr. Robb, is not…” by implying that I made some kind of bigoted statements about her late husband in regard to separate waiting rooms for blacks and whites, which were a part of their operating policy.
“…Where was the commissioner in 1958, when we purchased the practice from Dr. Schmidt and were told that there had to be a white and black waiting room? We were from Philadelphia and were stunned at the requirement…”
For the record, I have never made any statements about her or her husband as it relates to their past practices.
I didn’t go through the community, leading some sort of a charge against the Robb practice for what was policy in the ‘50s and ‘60s — though, I personally abhor the thought and implementation of such policies.
I have my personal feeling about those practices and only in private conversations did I express my point of view.
I purposely tried to stay out of this conversation and focus on the future, and, as difficult as it was, close the door to the past, but you [the Mayor] chose to open up this can of worms.
Since it is your desire to have this conversation in the open and since you went to the newspaper about me, then let’s talk.
You certainly have picked the right person to engage. I didn’t go out trying to provoke hatred or open old wounds about the humiliation and denigration of black people who had to suffer the indignity of being served at the BACK DOOR by your medical practice.
Where was I, Mayor, in 1958?
To answer your question I was a little boy in the great USA enduring racist practices similar to what was happening in Deerfield Beach.
The Mayor states that at the purchase of the practice, they were told that there had to be separate waiting rooms. Purchase, when used as a noun, means – the acquisition of something for payment.
You owned the practice, what followed from there was your own heart, your morals and personal preferences. Don’t blame Dr. Schmidt for this policy.
The Mayor says that they were stunned. Not stunned enough NOT to establish a practice built on racism. In what direction was your moral compass pointing Mayor? Obviously in the opposite direction of Dr. King and the locals in Deerfield Beach who believe, as did Dr. King, that all of God’s children should be treated with dignity and respect.
Why didn’t you just say, “We will not build a practice that doesn’t honor all human beings equally?” You could have made that choice but, instead, you chose what was popular in 1958. In making that decision, you chose protocol that was tremendously painful and shameful to a people, to a community and to God who loves all. And all are equal in his sight.
Mayor, after the 3rd or 4th year of the policy implementation, were you still blaming Dr. Schmidt? Your support of this unjust policy will be remembered forever.
The Mayor furthers states: “The Afro– American community that the commissioner is supposed to serve would testify that Dr. Robb took loving care OF THEM.” Mayor please tell me, who are “THEM?”
I serve my district and proudly, but not to be compared to how you served The African-American community in the 1950s and ‘60s.
Are you serious? In your statements, you rewarded your policies and practices on the neck of those who were harnessed with the yoke of oppression; a punishment and constant reminder that blacks were not the same as everyone else.
The African American Community at that time had no other choice but to endure.
Don’t ever mistake that because the black community came to you for medical treatment, it was a ringing endorsement of this humiliating policy.
Wounds of the past carry with it scar tissue. Scar tissue is a reminder of a past injury, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual. Scratch the wound of our past and it will surely again bleed injustice.
Many whites during that era did not embrace the policies of exclusion and instead fought injustice and intolerance. I’m sorry, Mayor, that you were not one of those people. You cannot EVER justify racism.
Mayor, simply apologize to the African-American community and the city for what you did and the practice you supported. Unless, you believe you did nothing wrong, so therefore no apology is needed. To simply say, “I’m sorry,” would go a long way in alleviating pain, it’s not a leviathan. I am saddened by your recent letter, but it could not go unanswered.
Now that we both have had our say, I will pray that we can move forward and work together for the good of this community.
Mayor, we are obligated to do the business of the people in an open and positive atmosphere.
It is time for us to get busy and to get some things done on behalf of the residents. I am willing, Mayor, are you?
Lastly Mayor, we are not referred to as The Afro -American Community, we are the African -American Community. What a great day it will be in the United States when the reference will just be American.
Vice Mayor
Ben Preston
RE: Metering The Cove Parking Lot
Dear Editor:
After reading the articles and letters about metering The Cove Shopping Center and the articles written by the Observer about the rise of massage parlors —including the one opening in The Cove, as a resident, I am very concerned about the direction Deerfield Beach is heading.
The Cove parking area is part of a trust deeded to the City.
The city doesn’t own it and, therefore, the City cannot sell it.
If it could be sold, based on the present city ordinances, the sale of any city property over $750,000 would have to be first approved by the citizens of Deerfield Beach.
After the citizens’ approval, the property would have a bidding process.
The Cove businesses could not be guaranteed that their bid for the parking lot would be accepted. Any investor other than The Cove businesses purchasing this property would at the very least put in meters at much higher rate than the city will.
As a newer resident who chose Deerfield Beach as my retirement home, it is alarming listening to folks rant and rave about keeping it a “village.” Deerfield Beach is identified as a city by the state. And this city is in trouble. Fitch has downgraded it. Districts 1 and 4 pay over 80 percent of the taxes and should not be the largest source of income. Our millage rate is one of the highest.
Deerfield Beach is one of the cities identified as a buyer’s market when compared to other cities in South Florida. Higher-end stores and restaurants cannot flourish and lowerend retail, grocery and massage parlors have made Deerfield their home.
We have a beautiful beach and are greeted with a slum motel when crossing over the Hillsboro Bridge.
On A1A, there is a red-tagged drug rehabilitation building that could have been a beautiful condo but, due to another city ordinance, the owner had no choice but to sell it to a rehabilitation company when the commissioners rejected a variance.
I do not want our beach to look like Boca or Ft. Lauderdale, but this ordinance is too restrictive for an investor to purchase an old building that does nothing to enhance this area.
Residents need to have truthful facts and not opinions to make educated decisions that effect our city — not just for the present moment, but with future consequences considered.
Judy Giller
Deerfield Beach
Posted on 24 April 2014 by LeslieM
Pompano Beach Republican Club meets
Thursday, April 24, 7 p.m.
Emma Lou Olson Community Center 1801 NE 6 St. Pompano Beach, FL 33060
Guest speaker: Kenny Brighton, candidate for Florida State House District 92. Refreshments served. 954-786-7536.
4th Annual Deerfield Beach Wine & Food Festival
Friday, April 25 & Saturday, April 26
Quiet Waters Park 401 S. Powerline Rd. Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Foodies, get ready for this two-day extravaganza of gastronomical delights, live entertainment, culinary classes, wines from around the world and more. Visit www.deerfieldbeachwineandfood for tickets and info.
Fall Flag Football Tournament
Friday, April 25, 6 p.m.
Wardell Chance Football Field 445 SW 2 St. Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Free event. Donation of canned goods requested. Registration now open, limited space. Divisions, ages 13-15 and 16–18. Each team must have 3-5 players. Hosted by Deerfield Beach Parks & Recreation Dept. 954-571-4568.
Boca Raton Greenmarket
Saturday, April 26, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Royal Palm Place 400 S. Federal Hwy & SE Mizner Blvd. Boca Raton FL 33432
Fresh locally-grown fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs, soaps & lotions, juices, flowers and plants, fresh baked goods, fresh fish and seafood and more. Open through May 10. For more info., call 561- 299-8684.
April- A-Buzz
Sunday, April 27, 2-5 p.m.
Butler House 380 E. Hillsboro Blvd. Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Free event. Honey exhibit, fresh market produce, exhibits, folk music and more. Learn about agriculture in Deerfield Beach. Food, gifts, tours available for purchase. 954-429-0378.
Church Anniversary
Sunday, April 27, 11:15 a.m.
First Zion Missionary Baptist Church 125 SW 1 Ct. Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Come celebrate the church’s 112th anniversary. For info., call 954-428-1550.
Dixieland/Hot Jazz Session
Sunday, April 27, 1-4 p.m.
Henry’s Hideaway, 1500 S. Andrews Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33069
$10. Presented by the Hot Jazz & Alligator Gumbo Society. For info., call 954-563-5390.
Deerfield Beach Green Market
Sunday, April 27, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Cove Shopping Center E. Hillsboro Boulevard & Intracoastal Waterway Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Fresh & organic produce, arts & crafts, home & garden, food vendors and more. Voted No. 4 destination to visit in Deerfield Beach. Free raffles. Rain or shine. Pet friendly. Open year-round. For more info., call 772-345-3797.
The Josties in concert
Sunday, April 27, 10:30 a.m.
First Baptist Church 701 NE 2 St. Deerfield Beach. FL 33441
The Jost family. From Milk River, Alberta, Canada, share their music and testimony. Their music is a unique blend of acoustic country, folk and light contemporary. For more information, call 954-427-1216.
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Posted on 24 April 2014 by LeslieM
It is hard to imagine what that first Easter morning was really like, how remarkable, how stunning but we do know fear was pervasive. There is certainly no desire to revisit the brutality that led up to the resurrection. And, we cannot produce a great earthquake or angelic bolts of lightning.
Fear of God refers to reverence for God which is a good thing. Fear can prevent us from doing things that are harmful. We know God can use fear for good purpose. It’s no accident the men guarding the tomb were incapacitated by fear.
In the early hours of Easter morning, fear persists not only among those who love Jesus but also among those who do not.
Remember, even after being told by the angel of the Lord, “Don’t be afraid,” the women, each named Mary, left with fear and joy. They were still quivering, which is mild compared to the men guarding the tomb. They were so frightened they fainted …
Fear is a natural response to a great earthquake and bolts of lightning, but fear among those who loved Jesus was widespread not only because of what happened that day. It was all the things they cumulatively experienced. It was everything they brought to the moment.
The same can be true for me and you …
Fear is not something we can touch to feel. In most cases, at least in moderation, fear is subtle and stealthy. You cannot taste it or smell it, you cannot see it or hear it, but fear is real.
Does fear have a prevalent place in your life today? I hope not, but we all live with a little fear don’t we? What do you fear today? What is it that gets in the way, prevents you from loving and worshipping, and serving the Lord and living life to the fullest?
Whatever it is, whatever you fear — poor physical health, a financial challenge, a relationship that’s on the rocks, what the future holds for a child or a grandchild, a parent or grandparent, a friend — put your fear in the context of the resurrection, put it in the context of what Jesus accomplishes through the resurrection and your fear will assuredly disappear …
The 28th chapter of Matthew’s gospel tells us the first message Jesus speaks after the resurrection is “Do not be afraid.” This is a message that transcends time and place and resonates through centuries of human existence.
“Have no fear!”
Immediately after the resurrection, Jesus is speaking to his followers. They are reeling from what’s happened and he knows it. Have we ever been reeling? They are overwhelmed and confused. Have we ever been overwhelmed and confused? They are frightened. Have we ever been frightened? Of course we have …
Jesus says, have “No Fear! I am alive. I am here and through your faith in me you are free for eternity.”
Yes, Jesus speaks to the fear that saturates the first Easter like a heavy mist in the air, but he also speaks to the fear that saturates the landscape of our lives today. Recognize fear is part of the landscape of life. God recognizes it. God sees it. God knows it and Jesus is the answer to it …
Christ’s first message on Easter morning is everlasting. Accept him into your heart. Celebrate Easter every day of the year and live with no fear!
Dennis Andrews is a minister at Community Presbyterian Church of Deerfield Beach (Steeple on the Beach), located five blocks south of Hillsboro on A1A. See more at or on Facebook. Worship gatherings are Sunday morning at 8:30 and 11 a.m.
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Posted on 18 April 2014 by JLusk
Are you ready? Sun Fest is almost here. The music event of the year, Sun Fest, is slated to open April 30 and run through May 4. If you love music, this is the place to be. The musical genres represented run the gamut from Kid Rock to Robin Thicke. Get into the groove with bands like Goo Goo Dolls, Doobie Brothers, The Bangles, Blues Traveler, Austin Mahone, Dropkick Murphys, Daughtry and many more. Besides music, there also is an art show featuring more than 140 national artists. Runners may want to participate in the 5k race and after-party on May 2. Don’t forget the fireworks on the closing night! This fun family event has something for everyone. To get the full schedule and details, visit
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Posted on 17 April 2014 by JLusk
By Rachel Galvin
For weeks, the news has been all about the blood moon and its possible significance, with talk by some that it could mark the end of times. This rare occurrence, which took place in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday night is one of four that will occur, each on a significant Jewish holiday. (Passover began Monday, April 14, at sunset). The next will be on Sukkot (Oct. 8), then Passover next year (April 15) and Sukkot again on Sept. 28, 2015. According to NASA, seeing a tetrad (four blood moons) is rare in history, but more frequent beginning in the 21st century. The most unique aspect is that the moon was visible throughout the U.S. The moon turns coppery red as it picks up hints of light when it passes through the Earth’s shadow. Photo by
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