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FLICKS: Delicacy

Posted on 15 March 2012 by LeslieM

By Dave Montalbano

Between the loud openings of The Lorax, John Carter and The Hunger Games  will be a quiet little French film starring Audrey Tautou titled Delicacy. Compared to the cinematic high-volume energy drinks aforementioned, this classy film is a sip of fine wine.

Best known for her work on Amelie and The DaVinci Code, Tautou portrays Nathalie, a newlywed with a successful job. For three years, Nathalie and her husband keep their puppy love alive. One day, the husband goes for his morning jog and gets run over by a car.

Grieving, Nathalie buries her emotions in her work. On her first date in romantic  Paris, she rejects the sexual advances of her boss. During  a routine office visit by  the shrubby Markus Lundl (Francois Damiens), the absent-minded Nathalie rises from her desk and kisses him.

The kiss proves to be the tipping point for Markus and Nathalie, as office politics and individual desires are mashed together. The tone becomes broader with many American cultural influences inserted into the narrative. Delicacy is such a sweet movie that one can expect an American remake in the not too distant future.

Yet, an American producer will unlikely be able to cast another Audrey Tautou. The film is in French with English subtitles, but Tautou’s performance translates beyond language. Whether depressed from grief or born again in love, Tautou reveals so much with a subtle glance.

As the goofy Swede Lundl, Damiens is given an international spotlight. At first, Damiens’ character is used for broad comic situations. It is in the final moments of Delicacy that he reveals a hidden strength that lets the audience know that Nathalie will be all right.

Don’t get me wrong, I am looking forward to seeing John Carter, The Hunger Games and The Three Stooges, but Delicacy is something special for a mature audience who enjoys romance.

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