Letters to the Editor

Posted on 06 January 2011 by LeslieM

Beach parking stickers – Deerfield

Dear Editor:

The increased fee for beach parking stickers [from $50 to $100] was part of the approved budget, which become effective Oct. 1, 2010. The $120,000 revenue amount had already been plugged into the budget. Not one of the commissioners dissented at that time. Why wasn’t the ordinance to approve the increase placed on the October or November agendas since the sale of stickers for 2011 was to begin in December?

Now that second reading of the ordinance establishing the new rate has been postponed until Jan. 11 [next city commission meeting], does that mean that bargain rate $50 stickers will now be available until the measure passes?

It is easy to blame the financial department for putting out the wrong information, but that further illustrates that most of what we receive on the back of water bills is already out of date. The blame here belongs to the administrative people who are responsible for what is placed on the commission agendas.

As of 10:30 a.m. on Jan. 4, 2011, the city had sold 1,270 beach parking stickers at the bargain rate of $50. This means the city has already lost $63,500 that would have been realized had the stickers been sold at the proposed $100 fee.

There was a great uproar recently when HUD demanded repayment of funds when the city failed to disclose Commissioner [Sylvia] Poitier’s conflict of interest. Placing the blame on the shoulders of Commissioner Poitier, the mayor demanded her resignation. Now that the city has already lost $63,500 with more to come, whose resignation will the mayor demand now?

Jean M. Robb

Deerfield Beach

Editor’s note:

Beach parking stickers will be available for $50 through Jan. 13. Starting Jan. 14, stickers are slated to go up to $100. Residents must provide vehicle registration and proof of residency – either utility bill or voter’s registration card – to purchase stickers at City Hall, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Reader appreciates

Hillsboro Streetscaping UPDATE

Dear Editor:

Thank you for the timely update [Dec. 30 Observer] on my request for information regarding finalizing the construction on Hillsboro Boulevard.

Roger Reynolds

Deerfield Beach

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