Letters to the Editor

Posted on 07 July 2011 by LeslieM

RE: Black soot

Dear Editor: 

In the June 30 Observer newspaper, you wrote a story that contained a piece about the 892 units in Independence Bay and the black soot the residents say is all over their patios and the air they breathe [“City commission passes variation on moratorium, 3-1.”]

I live on SE 2 Street (just down from the Butler House) and also have that black soot. I have had it since I moved into this house in 1994. It really is terrible, it gets all over everything.

Why I am writing is — I wonder if I can be included in [any]level of protection should the city decide to do something?

Anyone is welcome here to see the black soot, should they need to.

 Donna Lavoie

Deerfield Beach



Dear Editor:

In response to J.Huffman’s letter on June 23, I, too, agree we are all lucky to live here in Deerfield Beach. I see there have been a few temporary trash cans put around the parking lot in The Cove, but with the 4th of July weekend, we need some dumpsters as well. I also would like to see the trash picked up lining both sides of the bridge. We must have some people doing community service or get some prisoners out for a day and let them help keep our city clean. Thank you.


Deerfield Beach


Governor’s cost cutting measures

Dear Editor:

Gov. Rick Scott tried to disband the FL Highway Patrol. No wonder he is the “least popular governor in America.” He has slashed funding on high-speed rail, aid for homeless veterans, unemployment insurance, education and now, according to Florida’s Capitol News, he tried to disband the FL Highway Patrol.

Sarasota County Sheriff Tom Knight, who served on Scott’s transition team, rebuffed the idea. After supporting Republicans for governor for 20 years, Florida police unions have abandoned the GOP. The Broward County Police Benevolent Association held a “Party to Leave the Party” two weeks ago, in which their members switched their voter registration from GOP to Democratic or Independent.

Brad Burtner

Deerfield Beach

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