Insurance and reassurance

Posted on 11 August 2011 by LeslieM

As I returned home from work the other day, I did what I always do … I stopped on the way up to my condo to pick up my mail. I started thumbing through and, in the midst of all the junk mail, I noticed an envelope that showed that my health insurance company, which has been wonderful, sent me my renewal rates.

I am on the small business guaranteed issue plan. When I first went on the plan, my wife of blessed memory, worked as my bookkeeper, and we were fortunate enough to get in as a two-person group. When she passed away, even as I dealt with my grief, I was concerned about my health insurance. Caring for my beloved wife had taken its toll on me and I was emotionally and physically exhausted. Fortunately, I was informed that, as I had been on the plan for quite some time, I would be grandfathered in at the two-person rate.

Now, please don’t get me wrong, the two-person rate was not exactly what you would call inexpensive. But I needed a good insurance plan and I stayed with it. This year, however, I was informed that I would be receiving rates based on a one-person group. Well, let me tell you something, when I saw the rate increase, I almost had a heart attack… So you might be wondering what the new rate is? Well, let me tell you, and before I do, remember that I am only 56. I do Zumba two to three times a week and I do ballroom and Latin dancing twice a week. It is true that I had bypass surgery within the past five years, but my cardiologist says that I am in better aerobic shape than most people my age. I don’t smoke and I don’t drink. So what is the new rate? Are you ready for this? $1,553.71, and that is not the yearly amount … no, that is what I am expected to pay each and every month to keep my health insuranc!

On top of this raise … since I hope to remarry again someday, I asked my agent what the rate would be if I had a wife whom I wanted to put on the plan. He said, “Double it.” For those of you who don’t feel up to doing the math in your heads, doubling it would meant I would be paying just under $40,000 dollars a year for health insurance premiums on a high deductible no less.

I needed to come up with a solution and fast. So I did a little research and found that the small business rate I get is based on the age of the owner of the company. So I thought about marrying a 21-year-old and making her the owner of the corporation, but let’s face it, 21 is a wee bit young for me.

So when I was at one of the health centers the other day, I walked over to the nurses’ station and announced that if any of them have good insurance and would like to get married that I am available. While they found the announcement amusing, the truth is that their response was … “Rabbi, we work in healthcare, we don’t have good insurance … you’re looking in the wrong place.”

So, dear readers, I now turn to you … and who knows … maybe this will get passed on to the national or international press … If any of you ladies out there have a good insurance plan and that plan entitles your husband to go on it for a reasonable (or at least, affordable) price, give some thought to the possibility of marrying me … a good insurance plan is all I ask … okay, there may be one or two other things I ask for, but, sadly, right now, insurance has become a top priority.

Shalom My Friends,

Rabbi Craig H. Ezring

5 Comments For This Post

  1. Susan Says:

    Good Evening Rabbi:

    Not sure how things work over there but is ther a chance you can get a better rate by joining a Chamber of Commerce that offers better medical rates for it’s small business members?

  2. Lorraine Campbell Says:

    Dear Rabbi Ezring,

    If you are a good dancer, I’d consider marrying you! It could be challenging, since I’m Episcopalian and live in Philadelphia. But I do have great insurance, I love to dance, and we are all people of The Book, after all!

    Take care,

  3. youreayutz Says:

    Why don’t you just find a great young person to make owner of the company … forget marrying her/him. Pay the person to do this for you. While I think your ethics are questionable, I do recognize the horrible healthcare situation in this country. That it’s driving a rabbi to ‘advertise’ for a spouse is abhorrent.

  4. Jen katz Says:

    Sorry to hear of your insurance troubles but on the lighter side, this story made me laugh! Who needs when you can do it yourself through your blog?! I will be very surprised if someone doesn’t take you up on your offer. Who wouldn’t want to marry a rabbi?

  5. MK Says:

    If you would consider a 45 y.o. Jewish woman who is also looking for insurance, please contact me. I would love to learn ballroom dancing, and am also in Philadelphia (what were the chances of that?). However, I’m sure we can figure something out.

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  1. For Love Or Insurance? Rabbi Seeks Young Wife To Lower Health Costs | Get News, Articles and other Informations Says:

    […] him his small business insurance rate is based on the age of the owner of the company. So, Ezring posted on his blog that he was looking for a younger woman who wouldn’t mind marrying him to help him get […]

  2. For Love Or Insurance? Rabbi Seeks Young Wife To Lower Health Costs : Shots – Health Blog : NPR | Says:

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  4. For Love Or Insurance? Rabbi Seeks Young Wife To Lower Health Costs | Insurance Life Says:

    […] him his small business insurance rate is based on the age of the owner of the company. So, Ezring posted on his blog that he was looking for a younger woman who wouldn’t mind marrying him to help him get […]

  5. For Love Or Insurance? Rabbi Seeks Young Wife To Lower Health Costs | DTX Insurance Says:

    […] told him his tiny business word rate is formed on a age of a owners of a company. So, Ezring posted on his blog that he was looking for a younger lady who wouldn’t mind marrying him to assistance him get […]

  6. | Blog | For Love Or Insurance? Rabbi Seeks Young Wife To Lower Health Costs Says:

    […] told him his tiny business word rate is formed on a age of a owners of a company. So, Ezring posted on his blog that he was looking for a younger lady who wouldn’t mind marrying him to assistance him get […]

  7. For Love Or Insurance? Rabbi Seeks Young Wife To Lower Health Costs | Credit Card and Insurance Portals Says:

    […] his tiny commercial operation word rate is formed upon a age of a owners of a company. So, Ezring posted upon his blog which he was seeking for a younger lady who wouldn’t thoughts marrying him to assistance him […]

  8. For Love Or Insurance? Rabbi Seeks Young Wife To Lower Health Costs | | LATEST NEWSLATEST NEWS Says:

    […] told him his tiny business word rate is formed on a age of a owners of a company. So, Ezring posted on his blog that he was looking for a younger lady who wouldn’t mind marrying him to assistance him get […]

  9. The buzz around the health-and-fitness world this AM – fitness Says:

    […] to a probability of marrying me … a good word devise is all we ask,” he wrote on his blog. “Okay there maybe one or dual other things we ask for, though sadly, right now word has turn a […]

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