High schoolers’ final game
Dear Editor:
Someone needs to inquire why the graduating class of 2012 is not allowed to play in their last high school game, due to a couple of hurt egos by the coaching staff … After a disappointing season, they took Monday off from practice to de-stress. At this point, meetings are being held to discuss the punishment, but no parents have been notified. In these meetings, the coaches were threatening the players that they would not help them get into college. It’s no wonder why the parents of Deerfield are looking for [schools] outside the city limits to send their children. I hope this isn’t the future that the students will have to endure — the unprofessionalism of the teachers, coaches and other employess of the system.
Upset Parent
Deerfield Beach
Dear Editor:
I am extremely disturbed by events that are transpiring at my old high school, Deerfield Beach High School (DBHS). It has been reported to me that the Senior Class of 2012 football players are not being allowed to play the final game of their high school careers at their home stadium and players are even being silently retaliated against for voicing their opinions and disgust with the situation. These kids deserve better. I will personally be writing the school and the school board of Broward County on this. Please review and investigate, as I was informed this is a group being punished for the actions of a few. Thank you.
Carlos Luis Maysonet Hernández Jr.
Deerfield Beach
Editor’s note: According to DBHS football coach Allen Jackson, “They played that game — last Friday.” Were any not allowed to play because of disciplinary action? “They all played.”
Vinny Tozzi, the school’s athletic director, said, “If it’s a situation where a coach was disciplining players who obviously didn’t come to practice – if you don’t show up to practice, someone has to practice in your spot, and they deserve the right to play. If that’s what you’re asking, I support the coach 100 percent!”