Dec.16 A man was arrested and charged with a narcotics felony at 300 NW 1 Ave. He was in possession of an MDMA tablet and marijuana.
Dec.17 The theft of 10 cell phones valued at $5,844.95 was reported from Verizon Wireless at 3656 W. Hillsboro Blvd. There were no signs of forced entry. Person who filed the complaint said that a person who was recently fired from the company had a key to the building.
Dec.17 A man reported his home at 3861 NW 3 Ave. broken into. He said that an X-Box 360 and 10 video games, an MP3 Player and clothing were stolen. He estimated the value of the stolen items at $1,065.
Dec. 18 A woman was arrested and charged with petty theft after stealing four bottles of perfume valued at $84.96 from T.J. Maxx at 3812 W. Hillsboro Blvd. She was issued a Notice to Appear and released.
Dec. 18 A woman was arrested and charged with petty theft after stealing $135 in clothing and jewelry from Rainbow Apparel at 3860 W. Hillsboro Blvd.
Dec.18 It was reported that three vehicles had three windows smashed at 1901 SW 15 St.
Dec. 18 A man reported his home at 920 NE 50 Court broken into and an X-Box 360, 100 CDs and a DVD player stolen.
Dec.18 A man reported his home at 1030 SW 14 St. broken into, two rooms ransacked, company checks and one uncashed business check for $14,000 stolen.
Dec. 18 A man reported his apartment at 821 SE 9 St. broken into and a gold watch and $1,500 stolen.
DEERFIELD – District 4
Dec. 7-8 Residential burglary took place in Deer Creek, 3135 Lakeshore Dr., between 3 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. Neighbor of victim reported that unknown suspect(s) entered through a rear-window (possibly jimmied lock), checked interior, but did not leave with any property that reportee is aware of. Victim is in New York. Scene was processed with positive results; canvass negative.
Dec. 7 Residential burglary was reported in Riverglen, 120 NW 45 Ave. between 7:30 a.m. and 6:20 p.m. Unknown suspects entered the victim’s home, by breaking the front glass window, and removed numerous TV’s, computers and cameras while the victim was at work. Total loss $5,200. Scene was processed with latent fingerprints obtained.
Nov. 28-Dec. 7 Residential burglary occurred in Deer Creek, 2690 Kelleybrooke Lane. Caretaker of residence advised between noted dates, unknown suspect(s) broke into residence by smashing rear sliding glass door. Once inside, unknown suspects(s) ransacked bedrooms and bathrooms. It is unknown if anything was taken. Owners live permanently in New Jersey and could not be reached.
*If you see suspicious activity in your neighborhood, please call 911.
Dec. 10 A man reported four hubcaps stolen from his car at 3801 NE 26 Ave.
Dec. 10 A man reported two hubcaps stolen from his car at 3721 NE 27 Ave.
Dec.14 A man was arrested and charged with burglary and battery. He forced his way into his mother’s home at 2880 Marina Cir. She has told her son that he is no longer welcome at her home. The woman said her son has broken into her home and stolen items.
Dec. 14 A woman reported jewelry from her home at 1961 NE 35 St. stolen. She believes two former neighbors stole the jewelry. She said that when the neighbors abandoned their apartment and left the area, she was permitted to enter the apartment. The woman reported finding some of her jewelry items. She estimated the value of her stolen jewelry to be $1,300.