Rash of truck thefts
Dear Editor:
I would like to reach out to all the residents in the area and let them be aware of the rash of auto thefts that have been occurring in the immediate vicinity. Two of my neighbors on opposite corners had their pick-up trucks stolen within weeks of one another and, last night, I became the latest victim of auto theft right from my own driveway.
I not only lost my work vehicle, but also the tools with which I make my living. The officer answering the call was polite and professional, letting me know that basically, there isn’t much they can do and the possibility of me recovering my truck and tools is slim to none.
I read the publication each issue [of the Observer] and enjoy all the information and recommendations your newspaper provides.
I believe you ran an article about how we can better protect ourselves in our own homes. Maybe you could re-issue a short reminder, as we head into the summer months, when many residents head out-of-town on vacation.
Let us all continue to look out for each other as a community. Even when we are home, we need to stay vigilant. Please remember to lock your doors and keep valuables out of sight. Always lock your vehicle and report any suspicious activity to the local police.
Dan O’Brien
Lighthouse Point
Enclave at Hillsboro Beach – request for support
Dear Editor:
Since 1923, Hillsboro Beach has hosted one of the nation’s premier private clubs with a location, facilities and membership of the highest caliber.
Currently, there is an opportunity for Hillsboro Beach to add another jewel in its crown, burnishing the town’s reputation as the prestigious and selective oasis of tranquility in South Florida.
An ultra-luxury destination boutique hotel and spa of the likes of a Ritz Carlton, Four Seasons, Waldorf-Astoria or Shangri-La strives for and maintains a low-impact serene and sophisticated presence. Focused on the majestic Atlantic Ocean, guests can enjoy seclusion, serenity and rejuvenation throughout the property, including its lush landscaping, pools and spa.
The property consists of 11.212 acres, stretching from the Intracoastal Waterway on the west, to the Atlantic Ocean on the east, with S.R. A-1-A approximately bisecting the property. Current zoning is RM-16. Applicant/property owner is requesting approval for up to 358 hotel rooms/suites.
In order to build and operate such an attractive complex, it would be necessary for the destination resort operation to have access to unrestricted water resources for the extremely lush and beautiful landscaping and green area required for such a project.
Therefore, it is proposed that the project would build, at no cost to the town, a desalination water plant designed for double the capacity of the existing town water plant. It is expected that because the source of this water is the Atlantic Ocean, an unlimited resource, that normal water restrictions which affect the rest of South Florida would not be applicable to the Town of Hillsboro Beach or its residents, resulting in a “Green Hillsboro” instead of a “Brown Hillsboro.” The project would contract to supply water to the town for 15 years without water rate increases, which the residents have been experiencing over the past few years.
It is proposed that this could be built behind the existing police dept. building, paying de-minimus rent, freeing up the existing town-owned water plant facility and saving the town the expense of further upgrades and replacements of that facility and the major water pipes running along Sample Road and under the Intracoastal. At the end of the 15-year contracted period, the desalination plant would be transferred to the town for free.
In addition, the project would guarantee to replace any utility supply lines required to be repaired or upgraded within the town during the life of the operation of the desalination plant at a savings to the town of at least 30 percent less than any other bidder, and would also install conduit for FPL electric lines to be buried at the time of any such repair or replacement (reducing problems of overhead electrical wire damage during storms).
John Kennelly
Hillsboro Beach