Letters to the Editor

Posted on 10 January 2013 by LeslieM

RE: Deerfield discusses creating NEW Public Safety position

Dear Editor:

Thank you for delaying publication long enough to publish a report on the meeting to create a new Public Safety Director. [in the Jan.3 dated Observer, which delivered Jan. 4] It looks like the mayor and the city manager are behind this. Clearly they wanted as few citizens as possible to know about the meeting. They didn’t allow viewing the meeting on the Internet like they do with regular commission meetings.

This is cronyism at its worst. How can they justify a new position that we don’t need when they fired 106 people? Why do they want to give Mr. Sudler an additional $100 K [$90 K plus benefits for a full-time position] on top of the generous pension he will get?

I want to thank Commissioners Ganz and Preston for showing some common sense on this issue.

Robert Lloyd

Deerfield Beach


RE: Beach Parking stickers

Dear Editor:

My husband and I have lived in Deer Creek for about 20 years. We have purchased a beach sticker for about 10 years. We would like to know why it doubled in price this year. It is now so high, we have decided to go back to putting quarters in the meter although the sticker was more convenient.

Thank you.

Arlene Mohr

Deerfield Beach


A New Year resolution for 2013

Dear Editor:

Freedom lies with all who choose to live for God each day, but chains of bondage shackle those who choose some other way. Just listen to God’s wisdom and your heart and be good to yourself and others.

Let us pray for the New Year 2013 – for the world around to be better and safe for all the families and children, a place without murder, raping, abusing and shooting.

Donna Marie Tilligkeit

Pompano Beach


How Israel approaches the right to bear arms

Dear Editor:

Israel did not want to get involved in the discussion as the National Rifle Association (NRA) did not tell the truth in their speech. I want to write you the facts. The NRA did not tell you the following as stated by the Israeli government. a) Israel has much stronger gun regulations than the USA.

In fact, they have the highest rejection rate for gun permits: 40 percent. b) Israel has the lowest rate of gun ownership and the lowest rate of violence in the developed world. c) Gun permits are only given to special people and they have to be renewed every year. (Only Israel and Switzerland have that rule.) d) It isn’t true that Israel had a great deal of school shootings, and it wasn’t armed guards that stopped killings but as stated by Israeli government- anti- terror policy is what they used to combat terrorism, which is not the same as school shootings. e) Israel understands the NRA is close to or mainly involved with the Republican Party and don’t believe “they should be used” when the facts presented weren’t true. f) Israel doesn’t believe in citizens arming themselves, except for a small number with good reasons to do so.

Marty Weisberg

Coral Springs

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