Posted on 12 September 2013 by LeslieM

Deerfield Jackals are waiting!

Dear Editor:

Our elected officials need to watch closely what they say, how they vote, and who they are seen with in public, because the voters may be watching/listening … closer than they think.

Our elected officials need to understand that they REPRESENT the people, and need not always follow the administration’s wishes, nor vote what they want for themselves. I listen to some really dumb things come out of the mouths of supposedly intelligent elected people, who profess to know it ALL.

And when they are talking, they expect voters to believe they’re working in our best interest.

Today’s voters aren’t as naïve as many elected officials may think, and it’ll be proven at the polls next time around, just like the last Mayoral race.

The old saying is, “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.”

One major problem Deerfield Beach is having is the nonchalant, casual manner the vast majority of our voters take toward our twice-per-month commission meetings at City Hall. Our four commissioners also hold quarterly meetings in their respective districts, and often have fewer than a dozen residents attend. We’ve done nothing to increase attendance at these meetings over the past several years. Only when a major neighborhood issue is being confronted do the voters show up in large numbers.

We desperately need a change here in Deerfield Beach, and you’d best believe that it’s coming soon. The poor attitude/climate found in our current city administration and their ‘deceitful’ ways dictate a change long overdue.

These executives tend to shut out any public input, or distort the facts so badly that the average John Q. Public is frightened away.

How can we be polite and respectful to those kinds of leaders?

We cannot and we will not allow our city to be run by a pack of Jackals feeding in our wallet!

Nancy Foreman

Deerfield Beach

RE: Millage rate, BUDGET

Dear Editor:

I was quoted in your Sept. 5 issue. However, I needed to be quoted in total. [At the Sept. 3 city commission meeting,] I began by stating I do not want people who pay little or no taxes telling me I should pay… Later, I agreed with Mayor Robb that there needs to be cuts in the budget, if I have to pay higher taxes.

Judy Giller

Deerfield Beach

Editor’s note: Due to space and deadline constraints, it is not always possible to run every speaker’s quote in full on a late-breaking story. We reserve the right to make editorial decisions based on length and content.

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