Posted on 07 November 2013 by LeslieM

RE: Skateboarders: abide by the rules

Dear Editor:

This morning as I drank my tea and read this letter titled “Skateboarders: abide by rules,” [Oct. 17 Observer Letters to the Editor] I nearly choked on the fragrance of hyper negativity from this “year round” resident.

My first knee-jerk reaction was to point out the obvious critical spirit of this resident toward other pedestrians … in this case, underage kids on their way to a fundraiser for charity at Island Water Sports (God forbid).

Instead, I will simply state that a sign that reads “NO SKATEBOARDS ON THE SIDEWALK” in a pedestrian saturated area like a beachfront is part of the problem. Then follow it up with “locals” who get critical with local law enforcement who don’t enforce the “rules.” (Don’t they have “bigger fish to fry”… like people committing real crimes!)

In an era of our country having a childhood obesity epidemic, primarily due to inactivity, we should be [applauding] the kids in approval as they skim by us on a sidewalk on a skateboard. They could be using drugs … or out stealing … or better yet … sleeping at home.

Instead, they were up at sunrise to go to a charity event based around action sports. How many charity events did you attend when you were 14?

If the rules were to be followed according to your wishes, that puts them in traffic with 3-ton cars … in the dark! It’s easier to be critical of something we have never done … so I ask you? Have you ever ridden a bike, or a skateboard, or walked a dog like you said in your letter in the street through Deerfield’s “S” turn area … or over the Deerfield bridge … It’s insane. And I thought that we reserved the statement “Go play in traffic kid” for the pain-in- the-neck kids who we no longer want around in this world … which isn’t very nice.

There are plenty of things and people to be more critical of in our city than kids on skateboards while you are out for a “peaceful” walk.

Perhaps you can talk to one of them one time and tell them that it’s good they are on the sidewalk with you. Talk about a peaceful walk at sunrise … Connecting with a teen you don’t know, and showing that you are looking out for their safety can be a beautiful thing.

Tony Alvarez

Deerfield Beach


RE: Affordable Care Act TOWN HALL

Dear Editor:

The article and picture in the Oct. 31 Observer was truly lovely [“Affordable Care Act TOWN HALL”].

Thank you so much for being a great partner of our community.

There is one misprint. Pastor Nathaniel Knowles was actually not present for our 10/29/13 event at Westside Park. The other pastor present and the person who offered the invocation was Pastor George Bowles. [Pictured below.]

Thank you so much and thanks again for the article.

Andrea C. Knowles, BSW

Legislative Assistant – District 92

State Representative Gwyndolen Clarke-Reed

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