CLERGY CORNER: Everybody Needs Somebody

Posted on 06 February 2014 by LeslieM

Yitro was a complex man, living in complex times, in a complex neighborhood. Sounds pretty complex doesn’t it? Do you recognize the words I just used? They are the same words that Vice President Joe Biden used at Ariel Sharon’s funeral.

Yitro is indeed a complex man. He is a priest of Midian. Some would say Yitro was the first convert to the Jewish Faith as after hearing of Israel’s liberation, Yitro went to join the Children of Israel. But his words are that of someone who still believes in many gods as he tells Moses that the G-d of Israel is surely the most powerful of all the gods. So you see, Yitro is a complex man where theology is concerned.

He is also complex as a father and as a father-in-law. He takes his daughter and grandchildren away for a time; some say because Moses was going to war, others say because Moses was so busy with his work. But, it is also Yitro who brings them back to Moses. As I said, Yitro is a complex man. Yitro loves his daughter and his son-in-law. He watches Moses and what does he see? He sees that Moses is busy at work from dusk to dawn. He takes him aside. He lets him know that he has taken on an impossible task. He lets him know that he is working so hard that he is endangering his own health. He lets him know that his working such hours is damaging his marriage and he is also missing out on the joy of watching his children grow, and the children are missing out on quality time with their father.

He goes on to tell him that when you have used up all your brain power you can make mistakes in judgment, and when you have used up all your physical stamina, you just can’t think clear enough to make proper decisions.

Let’s put this in terms we can all understand. If you had to have surgery, would you prefer to have the surgeon do the operation first thing in the morning when he is all rested and ready to face the day, or would you rather be the last surgery of the day after the surgeon has already had to perform more surgeries than were originally scheduled, as there were some emergency cases … and the doctor is exhausted and has not had enough to eat or drink, and has been standing on his feet all day with his back bent over the surgical table? I think you get the idea.

As I look back over the story of Yitro and as we read the Aseret Hadibrot, the Ten Commandments, in this very same Parsha, I cannot help but see that the first commandment is shouting out loud and clear — If you think you can do it all by yourself, then, my friend, you think you are G-d … and let me be the first to tell you that while each of us may go through a period where we think we can do it all on our own, it won’t be long until the body begins to show symptoms of doing too much. It won’t be long until the brain is not functioning up to full capacity … decisions you make will be affected, and your family will be affected as well.

And remember this — just as you need somebody. Somebody needs YOU. “Everybody needs somebody sometime.”

Shalom my friends,

Rabbi Craig H. Ezring

Rabbi Ezring is the spiritual leader of Temple Beth Israel of Deerfield Beach. We welcome you to join our warm and caring family for Shabbat and festival services. We’ll make your heart glow…who knows, you might even fall in love with Shul all over again.

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