I believe that we live in the greatest country in the world. I just spent a week in Ecuador on a mission trip. I was with a team of medical doctors, dentists and eye doctors. They were providing medical services for some of the tribes of the Quechua Indians in the mountains around Riobamba. It made me really appreciate the opportunities that we have here in America. Some lived in homes made with concrete block or bricks and some even lived in mud huts with grass roofs. They had no heat other than the fire they would use to cook and warm the house with. Most houses were one room houses where everything was all in one room and the bathrooms were all outside. There were some who needed medicine for medical issues, and some who were not able to see that received glasses. There were many who needed dental care and received fillings and there were a lot of extractions of teeth that were not able to be saved. Most of the Quechua Indians’ only mode of transportation was to walk wherever they needed to go.
The most amazing thing I learned is that the people in these villages we visited were all happy and not one had their head down about how they had to live or how cold it was in the mountains of Ecuador.
Most of the people in the villages have a good relationship with God and their contentment was in the fact that they trusted God, and they were very happy with God and God alone.
We are very spoiled here with all the stuff that we have. Last year, I wrote about the fireworks display at Deerfield Beach and how many people show up to watch the show. I was not able to go this year because I was in Ecuador, but my wife and two children told me that there were just as many people this year as last year.
When the fireworks are over, then it is over, but, if we could find a way to get all those people into a church, they would be given something that would last for more than 30 minutes worth of entertainment. More people need to have a relationship with God and learn how to be content with God and God alone.
Our country was founded on God and on His holy word – the Bible. We say we are the land of the free. How, then, have we gotten to the point that everything we have done for 235 years in this country is now suddenly wrong and unconstitutional? We are “One nation under God.” Why don’t we just tell those who do not believe in God to sit down and be quiet? Oh, that’s right, if I tell someone who does not agree with me to be quiet, they will say that I have no tolerance. Yet, that same person will tell me that I need to remain silent. It seems a bit confusing and very hypocritical if you ask me, but that is just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to have their opinion on any matter, but, facts are facts. The facts are that our wonderful country was founded on God and godly principles and that will always be true. Please don’t forget to pray for our soldiers who are still fighting for our freedom to come home safe and soon.
Tony Guadagnino is a pastor at Christian Love Fellowship Church. 801 SE 10 St., Suite 4, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441