City employee makes residents feel at home during memorial
Dear Editor:
On Oct. 3, a few dozen of us met at a local bar by the pier to have a small memorial for my brother-in-law Jimmy Wade, who had recently passed away from cancer.
ALL of us grew up here and discussed the changes the city has made. Most of us are not happy that our “little” Deerfield is now trying to be just another revenue-collecting beach mecca.
We loved it when it was more “our” town, and continue to raise our children here. However, this letter is not about our likes and dislikes but about a city employee who made all of us feel that hometown feeling again.
As we all walked to the end of the pier to toss a rose, tell a story and say “goodbye,” the pier attendant named Diva announced over the loud speaker that the group walking down the pier were walking down to honor a brother, uncle and friend who had passed. As we walked, people removed their hats and smiled.
So, although the night was special, Diva made us all come closer for just a moment, made us all smile and ultimately made us feel that this was our “little” Deerfield once again.
With customer service so poor or non-existent nowadays; PLEASE, as you pass the pier, thank Diva for being a wonderful city employee … we think she is.
Corey and Dana Wade
Little Harbor
Deerfield Beach