Remember, if you see anything suspicious, call 911 immediately.
April 6 A man stole a bottle of Gilbey’s from Walgreens at 1325 S. Military Trail.
April 6 A car parked at 2035 SW 15 St., a wallet with credit cards, and $180, were stolen.
April 6 A person entered Publix at 3740 W. Hillsboro Blvd. and stole $200 worth of meat.
April 3 The victim left for work and when she returned, she noticed that a bench in front of her apartment at 2421 NE 36 Street was missing. Witnesses said they saw it by the trash and the victim has no idea why it was there. Loss was $100.
April 3 The victim, who lives at 2250 NE 26 St., said someone attempted to use the victim’s identity to file 2014 taxes. There was no loss.
April 4 Police observed a male and female subject walking through a shopping center at 5000 N. Federal Hwy. He approached them and said they were looking for cigarette butts. Police conducted a search and found them in possession of narcotics and paraphernalia