By Rachel Galvin
Close your eyes. Think about what you would like to bring into your life. What’s next for you? What’s missing? What would you like to have in your future? If you just did that exercise, you had thoughts, pictures in your mind of those answers.
Imagery is very powerful. If you have read the book The Secret, and many other similar novels, you know about The Law of Attraction, and how being able to envision what you want in life can help you bring about what you think.
What you think about is what you create, right? Some people might be skeptical. Perhaps, they have tried and nothing has happened from trying. Well, perhaps, the problem is ‘trying,’ rather than really committing. While thinking about what you want is a good start, taking action is better… being open to opportunities that come your way, and finding ways to help you focus on what you want to create.
Creativity Coach & Possibility Partner Nanette Saylor knows all about the power of envisioning. She conducts vision board (Mixed Media) workshops, providing materials for those who attend so they can create their own boards so they can put their thoughts into images to focus on throughout the day. By keeping it in existence through images, it helps the mind focus on the goal and draws it into your life.
On April 13, Saylor had such a workshop at Uptown Art in Boca Raton (6018 SW 18 St. She asked those in attendance to share why they had come to the workshop and what they hoped to achieve in their life. One person had gone through a divorce and wanted to create a new direction in her life. Another had been moving back and forth between American and Europe, and felt a little unsettled and also wanted to bring love into her life. Someone else said they felt stuck.
Saylor showed off some of the vision boards she had created, poster boards or pieces of paper with magazine clippings and other items affixed to them. She said some people look at the process more logically, creating a quadrant and putting pictures and words in each section that focus on different aspects on their lives – physical self, financial, relationships, etc. Another way of creating them is to just cut out whatever inspires you and figure out why you chose it later. Sometimes, she only uses images without words. At this workshop, she brought stacks of magazines, but also ribbon, buttons, bottle caps, puzzle pieces, feathers, yarn, greeting cards and more.
She showed a few books that have inspired her, including one by Shakti Gawain, who she called ‘the mother of vision boards.’ She said Gawain said, “When you put images to your thoughts, you use the power of the Law of Attraction in a way that puts it on steroids.”
“Our minds process images faster than words,” said Saylor, who plans on doing another workshop on May 18.
This is not the only workshop she does. She is currently doing one on Julia Cameron’s book “The Artist’s Way.” Once this one is through, she will start another.
You can find out more about Saylor’s workshops on her Conscious Creators page on Facebook.