Message from the City of Deerfield Beach (April 7):
The City continues to monitor all Coronavirus (COVID-19) changes across all levels of government in its effort to protect the residents of Deerfield Beach and prevent the rapid spread of COVID-19. Today the City amended Emergency Order 20-04 to include the following additional measures:
Face Coverings
Residents and visitors are strongly encouraged to wear a cloth facial covering consistent with the current CDC guidelines while in any public setting, including while visiting Essential Businesses, utilizing essential services, and engaging in essential activities (except while participating in outdoor physical recreational activities).
Disposal of Used PPE
The improper disposal, including illegal dumping or littering, of used personal protective equipment, cloth face coverings, and similar equipment can create a biohazard and further the community spread of COVID-19. Therefore, residents must dispose of all used personal protective equipment, cloth face coverings, and similar used equipment in proper trash receptacles. Anyone caught littering or failing to properly dispose of used personal protective equipment (including gloves, facemasks, cloth coverings, scrubs) in the appropriate trash receptacles shall be in violation of Emergency Order 20-04 and be subject to a misdemeanor charge which is punishable by a $500 fine, 60 days in jail, or both.
The City of Deerfield Beach continues to strongly encourage residents to stay home unless there are essential activities that need to be performed. Essential activities are as follows:
- Essential businesses – Residents and visitors may engage in travel to Essential Businesses and provide minimum basic operations to non-essential businesses as identified in Broward County Emergency Orders 20-01 and 20-02, as further refined in Broward County Emergency Order 20-03. (Go to to see these orders)
- Emergency assistance.
- Personal Support Activities – Residents and visitors may travel to and from their homes to care for or support a friend, companion, family member, pet or livestock, support groups, or a vulnerable person.
- Outdoor Recreational Activities – In areas not otherwise closed by a separate Emergency or Executive Order, residents may engage in outdoor activity and recreation while staying six (6) feet apart from another person or group of people.
- Religious Activities – Residents and visitors may travel to and from places of worship. Places of worship must comply with Social Distancing Requirements.
- Government employees and emergency personnel – All first responders, emergency and mental health crisis responders, gang intervention specialists and crisis intervention workers, public health workers, emergency management personnel, emergency dispatchers, law enforcement personnel and related contractors, persons working for emergency service providers, and government employees performing work in the course and scope of their employment are categorically exempt.
- Public Transit – Available public transit may be used for the above-listed activities.
To see a complete list of businesses deemed essential by the State of Florida, visit, Please note, many local jursidictions have imposed restrictions beyond the governor’s list.
Please continue to adhere to the Social Distancing and Safer at Home orders currently in place for safety of the community and to limit the community spread of COVID-19.
For additional information on COVID-19, visit For additional information, you are encouraged to call the Broward County COVID-19 hotline, 954-357-9500. For social services, call 954-597-3620 or dial 2-1-1 for Broward County’s 24/7 helpline.