Posted on 08 June 2020 by JLusk
The City of Deerfield Beach will be holding a series of Budget Work Sessions through virtual meeting technology. The public is invited to attend and observe the process. A copy of the agenda will be available at The agenda includes a link to the Zoom virtual meeting as well as instructions on how to access by telephone, YouTube and Zoom.
The schedule is as follows:
Monday, June 22, 2020
6:00PM Call to Order & Roll Call
6:05PM Introduction
6:10PM Budget 101
6:25PM Revenue Forecast
6:35PM Major FY20 Budget Initiatives & Changes
6:50PM Financial Services
7:05PM Information Technology Services
7:20PM Human Resources
7:40PM Purchasing & Office of Budget & Performance
7:55PM Public Affairs & Marketing
8:15PM City Clerk
8:30PM Public Input
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
6:00PM Call to Order & Roll Call
6:05PM Environmental Services
6:30PM Sustainable Management
7:05PM Ocean Rescue
7:15PM Fire Rescue
7:40PM Law Enforcement
8:05PM Public Input
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
6:00PM Call to Order & Roll Call
6:05PM Economic Development
6:25PM Planning & Development Services
Building & Inspection Services
Code Compliance
6:55PM Community Development
Community Participation
7:25PM Center for Active Aging
7:45PM Parks & Recreation
8:15PM Public Input
For additional information, please contact the Office of Budget & Performance via email at
Posted on 08 June 2020 by JLusk
s of today, June 8, summer camps are open and vacation rentals too; next will be other services, including bowling alleys, arcades, laser tag, concert and play houses, auditoriums and movie theaters–which will be open at 50% capacity next Monday, June 15 with sanitation and other safety procedures in place, just like restaurants and other businesses, which have already been open in this way, have put into place. Masks, hand washing, etc. will be at play. For a full list of details and requirements, see
Posted on 07 June 2020 by JLusk
The Florida Department of Health in Broward County has partnered with the City of Deerfield Beach to open a free, public COVID-19 walk-up testing site. The testing site will open on Monday, June 8, and will be open Monday through Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This testing schedule will run through Saturday, June 20, and may be extended.
The location is Oveta McKeithen Recreational Complex, 4455 SW Second Street, Deerfield Beach, FL, 33441. This site will not only assist the state identify COVID-19 trends in South Florida, it will allow those in the community to easily access necessary free testing.
“We encourage our residents to take advantage of this free testing service as we continue to move forward safely to other phases of re-openings in the near future,” said Mayor Bill Ganz.
Appointments are not required; however, please call 954-412-7300 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
For additional information or questions, call the Broward County COVID-19 hotline at 954-357-9500.
Posted on 07 June 2020 by JLusk
On Thursday, June 4, about two dozen handguns were recovered and five subjects detained in Pompano Beach in connection to the theft of 31 firearms out of Miami-Dade County.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recently contacted the Broward Sheriff’s Office Violent Intervention Proactive Enforcement Response (VIPER) unit requesting their assistance in locating and retrieving firearms stolen from the Airport Pawn & Gun store located at 831 N. Le Jeune Road in Miami-Dade County. The theft occurred around 1:30 p.m. Monday, June 1.
“Through investigative means and cross-agency collaboration, BSO’s VIPER and Gang Investigation Unit, in conjunction with ATF agents, the City of Miami Police Department and the Department of Probation and Parole, successfully recovered multiple stolen firearms off the streets of Miami-Dade and Broward counties,” Sheriff Gregory Tony said.
“The Miami Police Department is grateful to ATF and BSO’s VIPER and Gang Investigations Unit for their effort and collaboration, which resulted in the recovery of these stolen firearms taken from the City of Miami. Thanks to our federal and local partners we have less stolen firearms on our streets today, and our local business owner will be able to have their property returned to them upon conclusion of the investigation,” Chief Jorge R. Colina said.
Five subjects, were located and detained at 621 N.E. 24th St. in Pompano Beach. Detectives say six handguns were recovered in a backpack and 18 others were located throughout different parts of Broward County. The stolen guns were turned over to ATF.
“ATF works closely with members of the firearms industry along with our state and local law enforcement partners to prevent criminals from illegally acquiring firearms. Burglaries of federally licensed firearms retailers represent particularly brazen crimes that hold potential for additional crimes when stolen firearms are sold on the street to persons who can’t purchase firearms legally. ATF’s public safety mission is broad, and its role in combatting firearm violence is critical to our priority of reducing violent crime within the communities in which we serve,” ATF Special Agent In Charge (SAC) Robert Cekada said.
Still shots previously released by ATF shows eight subjects involved in the theft. A reward of up to $15,000 is being offered by ATF and the National Shooting Sports Foundation for information that leads to arrests.
Posted on 03 June 2020 by JLusk
The Deerfield Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 9, at 7 p.m. with elected officials and City staff participating through video conferencing.
A copy of the agenda for the June 9 meeting can be found at http://www.deerfield-
Ready to access? Use the following link:
The meeting begins at 6:45 p.m.
You can also dial in via telephone instead by dialing 1-929-205-6099 and inserting the Meeting ID — 850 0515 9288 — when prompted. No computer or access code is required. Don’t forget the password… It is 768361
For more information on using Zoom, please visit
The meeting will also be available to the public via YouTube for audio and video access; however, public participation, i.e. comments are not possible. The link to watch the meeting via YouTube will be active no earlier than 6:45 p.m. on June 9 and can be found by clicking the camera icon in the Media column at http://www.deerfield-
Public participation is strongly encouraged. Your comments will be limited to three minutes per person. To participate, please choose the option best for you and remember to include your name and address for the record.
- Via Email – Public comments and documents may be submitted via email to Public comments will be read aloud during the meeting and added to the record. Emails can be submitted prior to the meeting or until the public hearing session is closed.
- Live Zoom Video Participation – If attending via Zoom online, at the appropriate public comment period, click “raise hand” on the bottom of the “participants” tab, and your audio will be unmuted when you are recognized.
- Live Zoom Telephone Participation – If attending via Zoom by telephone, at the appropriate public comment period, press *9 to “raise your hand” and your audio will be unmuted when you are recognized.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the City Clerk’s Office at 954-480-4213. For additional information on the agenda items for the Commission meeting, please visit
Posted on 03 June 2020 by JLusk
As of June 3, County Administrator Bertha Henry has terminated the Emergency Curfew Order that was imposed on Broward County since May 31.
However, if required to protect Broward County residents and businesses, a curfew may be reimposed for part or all of the County, including incorporated and unincorporated areas, with as little as one (1) hour prior written notice designating the applicable area(s).
A curfew will be reimposed if there is evidence of possible civil unrest that threatens the health, safety, or welfare of the public. Broward County Code of Ordinances gives the County Administrator the authority to impose a general curfew applicable throughout the community while there is a State of Local Emergency in effect, issued on Sunday, May 31st.
Municipalities may have still have curfews in place. Residents are urged to check with their municipality for any stricter pronouncements.
Posted on 02 June 2020 by JLusk
Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) first Virtual Chess Championship set a record in participation as 167 students in elementary, middle and high school put their chess skills to the test, competing in more than 300 games.
BCPS partners with chess organizations, such as Chess4Life, to incorporate chess into the school day for elementary students, as well as after school chess clubs for students of all ages. Due to school closures as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the Spring Chess Championship, that had previously attracted as many as 150 students for face-to-face mental bouts, was moved to a virtual landscape.
The tournament, held Friday, May 15, was divided into four categories by grade level: kindergarten through second, third through fifth, sixth through eighth and ninth through 12th.
At the end of five rounds of competition, the winners emerged: kindergarten through second grade – Matthew Dunlop from Eagle Point Elementary School; third through fifth grade: Miles Rosner from Beachside Montessori Village Academy; sixth through eighth grade – Alice Wu from Falcon Cove Middle School tied with Vladimir Bershanskiy from Parkway Middle School; and ninth through 12th grade – David Reyes-Tobar from Fort Lauderdale High School.
“Chess is an important part of our District’s plan for preparing students for success,” said BCPS Superintendent Robert Runcie. “It helps to enhance students’ problem-solving skills, concentration and creativity and provides great lessons in patience and sportsmanship. I congratulate all the winners and competitors for challenging themselves by participating.”
Aspiring chess experts can continue to hone their chess skills during distance learning by accessing the Chess4Life platform through the District’s Clever portal. For more information, contact the Applied Learning Department at 754-321-1851 or visit
Posted on 02 June 2020 by JLusk
Dixie Divers, along with the City of Deerfield Beach and PADI, canceled the 2020 Pier Night Dive & Deerfield Beach Cleanup event that was set to take place on June 13.
Posted on 02 June 2020 by JLusk
District 4 Commissioner, Todd Drosky is happy to host Saturday office hours via teleconference, Saturday, June 6.
Commissioner Drosky will be available via telephone to speak with constituents on an appointment basis, between the hours of 10 a.m. to noon.
To schedule an appointment please contact the City Manager’s Office at 954-480-4263 or