Posted on 26 August 2021 by JLusk
In accordance with the requirements of Executive Order 11988, and as outlined in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Environmental Review Procedures for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program (24 CFR Part 58), this is a public notice providing the opportunity for early public review of the City of Deerfield Beach to determine the potential affect that its activity in the floodplain and wetland will have on the human environment for programs within the FY 2021/2022 Annual Action Plan.
Approximately $704,090 (CDBG) in FY 2021/2022 funds will be used for activities that may be located within the floodplains in the City of Deerfield Beach Florida, including citywide residential rehabilitation program, purchase assistance and Oveta McKeithen Recreational Complex Playground improvements. These activities are designed to service low and moderate-income residents in the City.
The proposed activities may be located within flood boundaries designated VE Zones, Zones A (100-Year), and B (500-Year). Proposed activities will be in conformance with all applicable floodplain protection standards, including the local building code.
Written comments concerning this notice should be submitted to the City of Deerfield Beach Community Development Department at 325 NW 2 Avenue, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 on or before Friday, Sept. 3.