The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, also called the COVID-19 Stimulus Package or American Rescue Plan (ARP), is a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 117th United States Congress and signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021.
Cities with populations over 50,000 (metropolitan cities) and all counties that are units of general local government (which includes political subdivisions) shall receive direct payments from the U.S. Treasury. Smaller cities (non-entitlement units of local government) with populations under 50,000 shall receive the State’s allocations. The City of Deerfield Beach is receiving a direct allocation from the U.S. Treasury in the amount of $16.28 million. Costs must be incurred from March 2021 to December 31, 2024.
Over the past several months, staff from respective departments within the City and City Administration met to discuss potential projects that would have a lasting and positive impact on the City of Deerfield Beach. Government Services Group (GSG) the City Consultant assisted the City in the selection process of the projects; culminating a spending plan that addresses the needs of the community while mitigating risk and maximizing impact. An initial risk-weighting has been assessed on all projects based on allowability under the current guidelines outlined in the Interim Final Rule and the risk and impact of potential claw-back of funds from the U.S. Treasury.
On Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at the City Commission Meeting City Staff and GSG recommend thirty-two (32) projects to Commission for approval. The City Commission approved all the projects through resolution 2021/169.
The City plan will continue to evolve as the U.S. Treasury clarifies the American Rescue Plan Act. Over the next 36 months U.S. Treasury will likely issue numerous guidance updates. The recommended list of projects is considered provisional until the Final Rule has been released and the proposed programs reviewed for compliance and allowability.
Upon the Treasury issuing the Final Rule, the City will have a clearer guide to both the allowability and risk of the proposed projects and will reassess the spending plan as needed.
A copy of the City of Deerfield Beach American Rescue Plan is located on the City’s website at
For additional information please contact the Community Services Department at (954) 480-6420 or