“Taxation without representation”
Dear Editor:
My father, who was a college professor, once told me that you could be the smartest person in the world, but if you do not have any common sense, you’re not going far in life.
This [city] commission needs to make some hard choices. Stop the spending — you can’t just raise taxes or the fire fee every time you need more money. You can’t spend more than you take in, period. Where are the people supposed to get the money? We can’t just go ask for a raise when we need more money with the insurance, and just about everything is going up. What are we, the people, supposed to do? Isn’t that what the revolutionary war was about — taxation without representation?
Steve Fabrizio
Deerfield Beach
RE: Fire fee, taxes
Dear Editor:
I have to respond to the comment made by one resident [“Deerfield passes NEW $175 fire fee, Sept. 19 Observer] concerning how unfair it is for people from Century Village to pay the $175 fire fee when they only occupy units comprising 1,000 sq ft.[or less].
The fact is that Century Village [in District 3] uses the services of fire-rescue more than any other district in Deerfield Beach, and, aside from District 2, they pay next to no real estate taxes.
District 1 presently pays approximately 48 percent of the total taxes in the city and yet those people who contribute the least – Districts 2 and 3 — constantly complain!
The reason that Deerfield Beach is going broke is that out of approximately 74,000 residents who live in Deerfield Beach, only approximately 35,000 actually contribute to its tax base!
Allowing Century Village to be developed here in Deerfield Beach has turned out to be one of the most fiscally irresponsible decisions ever made! This development is a burden to our city and has caused and will continue to contribute to the financial downfall of Deerfield Beach!
Pat Jolivet
Resident of The Cove
Deerfield Beach
Dog owners: Control your pets
Dear Editor:
I have a note that I would like posted in the newspaper about warning dog owners to be in control of their dogs. My small dog was attacked by two large dogs. The owner did not have control of the dogs and they belted out of their collars to attack my dog. Luckily, my dog survived!
Joan Murphy
Lighthouse Point