Dear Editor,
Deerfield Beach Commissioners and Mayor, you need to take action. Stop sitting by when you see a wrong. Allowing a resident during a commission meeting to rant about a woman being gang raped on a pool table in a bar was deplorable.
When only one of you, Commissioner Rosenzweig, tried to say he should be stopped, the mayor shut him down; shame on him and the rest of you for not forcing a stop to the ranting. If the mayor cannot use her gavel, it should be taken away from her and used by one of you who has some common sense.
This is not a freedom of speech issue. It is a respect for a forum issue, a respect for the audience issue. What is legal is not always right, and this was very much NOT RIGHT. For a man who claimed to be giving a lecture on respect, he was outrageously disrespectful to his audience and the commission.
His graphic description in front of an audience with children and possibly people who might have been victims of sexual assault themselves, who would be forced to relive their attack in a public commission meeting, was beyond shameful; it was bordering on actionable.
At the very least, the public is owed an apology from the resident, who should be banned from addressing the Commission ever again. The Mayor should apologize for allowing his rant, and the rest of you should apologize for not standing up for your audience and shutting him down.
Bett Willett
Deerfield Beach
RE: Relay for Life says thanks
Dear Editor,
On behalf of the Relay For Life of Deerfield Beach/ Lighthouse Point & Hillsboro Beach, we want to express our sincere thanks to the Kiwanis Club and Woman’s Club of Deerfield Beach for their support of our efforts to fight cancer. These organizations truly represent the spirit of our community working together.
Kiwanis invited Relay For Life to have a presence at Founders’ Days with a booth, allowed us to have time at two of the concessions, included our first annual “Walk a Mile for a Cure” on Sunday morning and provided the breakfast for the walkers. From these, we raised over $2600 and acquired several new teams and sponsorships for Relay.
We also wish to extend our deepest gratitude to The Woman’s Club of Deerfield Beach for opening their hearts and doors to us on March 8 as we held our very first annual fundraising event entitled “My Big Fat Relay Wedding.” This wonderful mock wedding held a reception of 120 guests. The evening was nothing short of magical with its lavish décor, ambiance and delectable food. The event proved to be a huge success, raising over $6000.
Please join us on April 5, at Quiet Waters Park, Pavilion #10, beginning at 4 p.m. This is our community coming together to Finish The Fight!
Nona Breitenstein,
Event Chair & Ilene Busey, Team Captain of Hope Blossoms Relay Team