Sailsmen win Final Sail! Doing it All/Hardway wins the Jacket!

Posted on 15 April 2014 by JLusk


April 12th concluded the last leg in the near 2 Million dollar Quest for the Crest Sailfish Series. In pursuit of the esteemed burgundy jacket, teams have been competing since December to claim the title of world’s best. With a total of 92 points, Doing it All/Team Hardway landed that honor at the awards ceremony for the Final Sail championship tournament. They fish out of a 35 foot ST Contender as opposed to their competitors with much larger sport fishing type of boats. Triple 300 mercury out boards, custom Blue Water folding tower.


They fished four seasons, averaging 8 tournaments per season. They placed in the top 10 % with each tournament.


Daryl Deka – Owns a Landscaping Company (Palm Beach Broward Landscaping)


Mark Lamb – Owns a Roofing Company (Storm Roofing Inc)


Rick Burton – Owns a Roofing Company (Native Roofng Inc)


Jimmy Dalrymple – Tarpon Guide Islamorada


Billy Vanderhorn – Sign Company


Alex Burgess – Fishing Charters


Boat Team photo


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