June 30 Someone broke into a home at 124 SW 1 Court and stole a household appliance.
June 30 A car parked at 100 Fairway Dr. was entered and property valued at $1,500 was stolen.
July 1 A can of Red Bull and one bottle of beer were stolen from a store at 1991 NE 2 St.
July 1 A man reported that someone broke into his office at 3439 SW 11 St. and stole hand tools, tool boxes and a computer.
July 1 A woman reported that a man she met stole her iPhone 4 at 4151 NW 3 Ave.
DEERFIELD – District 4
June 30 A theft was reported in Deer Creek at 460 Jefferson Dr. The victim stated his Roxio Game Capture HD Pro device was stolen from his room. The roommate of the victim had several guests visit the apartment during the incident time-frame. The roommate does not know where the property could be. Investigation is pending guest information at this time.
June 30 A theft was reported in Deer Creek at 718 Via Verona. A garbage can and recycling bin were reported stolen.
June 25 Two subjects walked past a business at 2141 NE 45 St. carrying TV boxes, DVD boxes and a jewelry box stolen from a nearby residence. Loss was $250.
June 25 A male subject took imitation crab, beef franks, cheese and sunglasses and walked out of the store at 2450 N. Federal Hwy. without paying for them. He was apprehended a short time later. The items were valued at $27.96.
June 26 Refrigerant and a leak detector were stolen from the rear of a work pickup truck parked at 2161 NE 42 St. Loss was $800.