Christmas In July
Friday, July 25, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Broward Outreach Center 1700 Blount Rd. Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Helps homeless by offering showers, free haircuts and clothing. Brand new sneakers will be given to over 600 needy children. BBQ meal, live entertainment, including local bands and the Regeneration Singers, residents of the Miami Rescue Mission, will be provided. Children’s Corner includes visit from Santa Claus. For additional information, visit
Splash Ahoy
Friday, July 25, 6 to 10 p.m.
Quiet Waters Park 401 S. Powerline Rd. Deerfi eld Beach, FL 33442
All ages, $6 + tax per person/1 yr. and under—free. Advanced registration required. 954-357-5100.
2nd Annual Prayer Breakfast & Award Ceremony
Saturday, July 26, 8:30 a.m.
Johnny L. Tigner Community Center 445 SW 2 St. Deerfi eld Beach, FL 33441
$25. Guest Speaker: Dr. Celia Earle, Former Lieutenant Governor-Div. 23. Presented by Kiwanis Club of Deerfi eld Beach-West. 954-732-9883.
Spring Fling Community Yard Sale
Saturday, July 26, 2014, 8 a.m. to noon
Boca Raton Children’s Museum 498 Crawford Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33432
Everyone is invited to be a shopper or vendor. Special Spring Fling activities will include an Egg Hunt, pictures with a Big Bunny, DJ music and games, sand art, food trucks, and special vendors of all sorts. Unique items include children’s items, jewelry, beauty and skin care, handbags, toys, household items, clothing and collectibles. In case of rain, the sale will be moved indoors. For more information, call 561-368-6875 or visit
Backyard “July Jubilee” Sale
Sunday July 27, 1 to 5 p.m.
The Butler House 380 E. Hillsboro Blvd. Deerfi eld Beach, FL 33441
Bargain hunter delights, antiques, collectibles; concert starting at 2 p.m. by DYMiN 561-299-8684.
Family and Friends Day
Sunday, July 27, 2014 11 a.m.
St. Paul United Methodist Church 244 SE 2 Ave Deerfi eld Beach, FL 33441
Worship, fellowship and picnic lunch!
July Beach Tennis Tournament
Sunday, July 27, 9:30 a.m.
Pompano Beach Municipal Pier 222 N. Pompano Beach Blvd. Pompano Beach, FL 33062
Categories: Men’s and Women’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Juniors (12 and under); Levels: Pro and A. Registration: Adult Men and Women — $20-1 category, $25-2 categories, Juniors: $10. Grade: G-4 Ranking Points. To register, email Registration emails must be received prior to this date. Cash only will be accepted at event.
NE Focal Point Family Night
Tuesday, July 29, 5 to 10 p.m.
Duffy’s Sports Grill 401 N. Federal Hwy. Deerfi eld Beach, FL 33441
Friends, family, neighbors, co-workers welcome. Eat, drink, have fun. 10 percent of evening’s proceeds to benefi t NE Focal Point C.A.S.A., Inc. 954-480-4449 for information.
Gateway Community Outreach event
Tuesday, July 29, 6 to 9 p.m.
401 E. Las Olas Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale 33301
Networking and fundraising event to bring awareness to the public about Gateway Community Outreach in Deerfi eld Beach and the services provided. Good food, silent auction plus prize drawing tickets. $20 per person. Purchase at the door or online through website at www.gcofl orida. org by clicking the “Donate button.” Gateway Community Outreach’s mission is to help overcome poverty and make a substantial impact in helping to make a difference in the lives of those they touch.
Save the date: BRACE for the Storm Workshop
Tuesday, Aug, 19, 10 a.m. to noon
Florida’s Division of Emergency Management, in part nership with Volunteer Florida and the Be Ready Alliance Coordinating for Emergencies, presents the BRACE for the Storm Workshop for Broward County. This internetbased FREE workshop is designed to provide information to homeowners on how to reduce damage to their homes from hurricanes and other disasters that threaten South Florida. In addition, homeowners can learn how they can save money on the windstorm portion of their home owner’s
insurance premium. Register at www.bereadyfl For more information on hurricane preparedness, visit, follow on Broward, like them on or call 954- 831-3900.
Save the date: Country Music Festival
Saturday, Aug. 2, noon to 9 p.m.
Main Beach Parking Lot Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
With the beach in the background, the Country Music Festival will bring in crowds looking to boot scoot boogie to the music and browse through the many vendor booths. They can grab a bite to eat and then mingle among the locals, showing their hometown spirit. See Pg. 9 for music schedule. For additional information, visit www.Deerfield-Beach. com/CMF.