August 9 It was reported that a package was stolen from 237 NW 47Ave.
August 11 A bicycle was stolen from 430 SE 11St.
August 12 An employee of Home Depot confessed to stealing merchandise from Home Depot at 60 SW 12 Ave.
August 12 A bicycle was stolen from a home at 236 NW 41 Ave.
August 12 A car was stolen from Stop & Go at 3774 NE 3 Ave. while the victim was in the store.
August 6 Conveyance burglary was reported in Starlight Cove, 639 NW 38 Terr. Unknown subject(s) entered the unlocked pickup truck and removed a loaded Sig Sauer P 938 that was in a holster from the driver’s seat and the center console. Nothing else was found missing. There was a round in the chamber. Loss was valued at $700.
August 9 Conveyance burglary took place in Deer Isle, 380 NW 42 St. The suspect(s) reached inside the victim’s vehicle via the passenger side window, which was down, and stole a black purse from the vehicle.
July 23 Someone slashed two front tires of vehicles while the victim was inside the bank at 3550 N. Federal Hwy. Damage was estimated at $300.
July 23 Someone pulled up next to an SUV and removed supplies from the vehicle while it was parked at 2458 N. Federal Hwy. The subjects also stole a purse, which contained passports, a bottle, Apple iPad, $380 in cash. Total loss was $2,080.
July 24 A female subject was observed taking Pepto Bismol from a shelf and leaving the store located at 3550 N. Federal Hwy. without paying for it. She was apprehended outside the store. Merchandise was valued at $7.50.