By Rachel Galvin
A glimpse of the paradise in our own backyard and beyond is captured in large scale black and white photographs created by prolific photographer Clyde Butcher, whose work is currently on display at the Old School House at 232 NE Eller St. in Deerfield Beach. The exhibit started on Sept. 7, runs Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. until Sept. 28. $5 (donation). You can also buy one of his books or a book on Deerfield history and other items.
When asked why the Historical Society brought his artwork to be on display, Historical Society President Emily Lilly said, “I’ve appreciated his work for many years. I love the reasoning behind his photos. They not only tell a story, but tell us to look at the environment in an appreciative way. He has been one of my educators. He’s expressed the love of our state and beyond and that’s what I like.”
“Clyde’s photography is definitely a personal experience,” said Poppi Mercier, who was volunteering at the event on Saturday, “Everybody loves it. The Historical Society is thrilled. It is surprising how many people have seen his work before and still come back for more. I can understand it. Every time you look at it, you see something totally different. The black and white makes you pay attention to the details.”
For more information on Clyde Butcher, visit www.clydebutcher.com. For more information on the historical society, visit www.deerfieldbeachhistoricalsociety.com/
The Historical Society is participating in Free Museum Day on Sept. 21. Not only will this exhibit be open, but also the Butler House, as well as the local train museum, all for free. See ad on this page for details.