Posted on 05 June 2011 by LeslieM
The City / Community Redevelopment Agency and Ric-Man Construction have completed new street lighting installations now that FPL has removed their aerial facilities (wires and poles).
We anticipate the Contractor (Ric-Man Construction) requiring five weeks to complete the project’s punch list and concrete paver brick restorations.
The installation of landscape areas soils commenced May 16, and tree installations commenced on May 26.
Other plants and irrigation sprinklers including the final layer of asphalt and new roadway striping will follow these operations.
Posted on 21 April 2011 by LeslieM
On April 20, FPL began to remove electrical poles and wires along Hillsboro Boulevard, which were previously de-energized as part of the Hillsboro Boulevard Streetscape project. Overnight work by FPL crews will continue over the next several weeks, with this portion expected to be complete by May 20, 2011. This phase is proceeding during evening hours to lessen the impact on traffic in the busy corridor. Work on Hillsboro Boulevard will commence at the A1A intersection and proceed west to the Federal Highway intersection. There will be temporary lane closures associated with this work. For more information about the project, call the Community Redevelopment Agency at 954-480-4263 or the Environmental Services Director at 954-770-4246.