The first order of business at the Lighthouse Point city commission meeting on Feb. 14, was to accept the results of the Jan. 31 election, according to the city charter, and then swear in three commissioners: Commissioner Earl Maucker, Commissioner Rebecca “Becky” Lysengen, and Commissioner Michael Long.
After the results were certified, Hasis and Gordon, who were sitting on the dais for the last time, gave some closing comments and thanked their fellow commissioners and staff for serving with them.
Hasis said that the time he had spent on the commission would be something he would treasure forever. Commission President Susie Gordon concurred with Hasis and also thanked her family for being behind her while she served on the dais.
After Gordon and Hasis left the dais, Commission Vice President Michael Long asked for nominations for President and Vice President from the floor. Commissioner Michael Long was nominated for President, and Commissioner Sandy Johnson was nominated for Vice President.
[ ] City Administrator John Lavisky asked for commission approval of a resolution awarding the bid and approving the agreement with Florida Coastal Services for $9,475 for corrective pruning of trees in the city’s right of ways, and to authorize expenditure of $15,600 to take full advantage of the grant funds awarded by the state.
[ ] Lavisky also asked for commission approval on a resolution for a grant application in the amount of $287,200 for the 2012 Transportation Enhancement Cycle to install solar powered pathway lights on Lighthouse Drive in the area from NE 24th Street to NE 36th Street (Sample Road.) After a few questions about both items, commissioners approved both resolutions.
[ ] Commissioners then recognized Broward County Commissioner Chip LaMarca, who was in attendance that evening and asked him to say a few words. LaMarca, a former Lighthouse Point Commissioner, congratulated the new commissioners, the new President and Vice President, and said, “Let me know if there is anything I can do at the county level for you.”