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Everything’s Coming Up Rosen: A very special gift

Posted on 06 December 2018 by LeslieM

By Emily Rosen



It took me 70 years of Sundays — that’s 3,640 Sundays — to appreciate one of the greatest gifts I ever received. I finally remembered that it was Mr. Steinberg, my high school English teacher, whose only textbook that senior year was the Sunday New York Times — Mr. Steinberg, who gave me 3,640 (give or take) precious Sundays.

I remember now, that although our class took The Times apart and thoroughly examined it section by section, mostly, we actually studied the Book Review in the greatest depth. We learned to read reviews and to evaluate both the reviewer and the book reviewed. We talked about each “interview,” the quality of books on the bestseller list, those that were highly recommended by the editorial staff of the newspaper and even the advertisements for books yet to be published or previously reviewed. We were encouraged to choose books of our favorite genre and to write our own reviews.

Now, so belatedly, as I savor my Sunday morning book review read time, and find myself traveling all over the planet geographically, intellectually and spiritually, I am aware of how each issue is an education in itself. I see how each issue opens my mind to something new, and how even the genres to which I am least attracted offer another way to see the world and to see myself in it. And, by golly, each week I am swept away by how easy it is to get a genuine “high” without even a cup of coffee at my side — not that I am knocking coffee.

More and more, we are getting translations of especially fiction, ranking high on the list of new releases. There are writers from Africa, Asia and South and Central America sharing their culture and traditions, and stories opening doors for us to learn about people unlike us.

Of course, science, business, sports, government and all the arts are subjects to which many “someones” have devoted a major part of their lives, researching, opining and writing their hearts out. And it’s all so easily accessible in a morning read. Thank you again, Mr. Steinberg, for your indefatigable patience in, at first, forcing me to “study” the newspaper.

While we’re on the subject of intangible “gifts,” let us not forget our libraries, one of the greatest community assets ever conceived by man. If you are a really disciplined person, you can save a bunch of money on higher education tuition by organizing your own curriculum in a library.

But, since we are a consumer society, I’m guessing many of you already have your gift lists made and perhaps even at least half attended to. I’m hoping you have included books and some items that will challenge the minds of the young people — yes, even the old people — on your list. We can’t allow Google to do everything for us. We will soon be entrapped by A.I. (artificial Intelligence) in all aspects of our lives, and will be tempted to give into the laziness of thought which will follow.

This is too grim a note to leave you with so soon before an impending joyous holiday, so in all optimism I know that there are many Mr. (and Ms.) Steinbergs left in this world who are still willing to fight for one of our most precious rights – the right to think for ourselves.

Happy Holidays to all.

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CLERGY CORNER: Living with hope in difficult times

Posted on 28 July 2016 by LeslieM

Our world is in chaos. Increasing violence both at home and abroad has many living in fear and anxiety. Terrorist attacks upon innocent people, conflict between police and citizens, political upheaval, racial and religious aggression, all of these are signs of the difficult times in which we live. Nature’s occasional display of destructive force, and the reality of climate change add to the apprehension that many feel.

The truth is that every generation has had challenges that seemed to signal the end of life and erosion of society as we know it. There have always been wars, conflict, aggression and violence. The only difference between now and earlier times is the speed at which information from around the world is delivered. The 24 hour news cycle and instantaneous social media coverage keep us hopping from one report of tragedy to the next.

Jesus predicted the increased awareness of trouble during the week before His crucifixion. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows (Matt. 24:6-8). Even Paul, the apostle, forewarned of the perilous times that would come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:1-4).

In light of the predictions and realities of our present time, many have adopted a fatalistic view of the future and man’s hopes. Doomsday scenarios abound that see humanity devolving into a dystopian type of existence after some global tragedy caused by war, climate change, or computer malfunction (remember the Y2K hysteria?).

But it is possible and advisable to live life with hope concerning the future. Both Jesus and Paul gave encouragement following their predictions so that men could avoid giving in to despair but live with hope. The disciples were told to watch for these signs, and to make themselves ready for their Lord to return. Timothy was encouraged to continue in what he had learned, and to be faithful despite what would come.

We may not have the power to prevent others from thinking and doing evil things but we can control how each of us lives individually. Why not be true to each other and to God? Live honest and upright by treating each other with dignity, and having compassion on the less fortunate. Give room for differences of opinion and ideology while seeking to coexist peaceably. Why not strive to make yourself and the world around you better? I have noticed that even as war, tragedy, conflict and aggression has raged over the centuries, advancements and breakthrough have also occurred for the betterment of our existence.

Why not be part of the next great discovery, achievement, or invention? The world can always use another great thinker, leader or discoverer. We don’t all have to become victims of the perilous times in which we live.

The worst of times can indeed also be the best of times, if we decide to give our best to making the best of what we have. You can either be part of the good in life, or give yourself to that which is bad. It is my hope and my prayer that you will choose to be part of that which is good.

Bishop Patrick L. Kelly is the pastor of Cathedral Church of God, 365 S. Dixie Hwy., Deerfield Beach, FL 33441. 954-427-0302.

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