56th Annual Holiday Boat Parade
Friday, Dec. 14, 6 to 10 p.m.
Sands Harbor Resort and Marina
125 N. Riverside Dr.
Pompano Beach, FL 33062
The Freedom Fighter Outdoors members will be on the lead boat in the parade and will visit the Sands Harbor Resort where the National Anthem will be performed. You’ll be able to enjoy the decorations and excitement of over 50 boats on parade. See more, on Pg. 8. For more information, contact the Pompano Beach/Lighthouse Pt/Margate Chamber at 954-941-2940 or visit the office located at 2200 E. Atlantic Blvd., in Pompano Beach.
Cocktails and Carols
Friday, Dec. 14, 7 p.m.
Cultural Center and Library
50 W. Atlantic Blvd.
Pompano Beach, FL 33060
Many people remember when the December holidays were a time to gather around the piano to sing and hear carols. The Master Chorale is reviving this tradition with an intimate evening of carols and other holiday songs. Please join them for a festive evening of cocktails, heavy hors d’oeuvres and holiday songs sung by some of the best singers in South Florida. For more information, call 954-545-7800.
Beach Sounds Concert Series
Friday, Dec. 14, 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Main Beach Parking Lot
149 SE 21 Ave.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Music lovers are invited to bring their blankets and chairs to sit on the beach or wade in the surf, as they listen to Butterfly Snapple. Admission is free and open to the public. For a full listing of this season’s bands and dates visit their website at www.dfb.city/beachsounds. For more information, call the Community Events and Outreach Division at 954-480-4429.
Arboretum Tea Party
Saturday, Dec. 15, 9:30 a.m. to noon
2841 W. Hillsboro Blvd.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
There will be a Tea and Trees celebration in the Arboretum. Short garden tours and live music will accompany this tea party. There are limited tickets so contact Constitution Park at 954-480-4494 for your reservations.
Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, Dec. 15, 10 a.m. to noon
LHP Fire Rescue Station
3740 NE 22 Ave.
Lighthouse Point, FL 33064
Open to all LHP children 12 and under.
Wreath’s Across America
Saturday, Dec. 15, noon to 3 p.m.
Forest Lawn Memorial
200 W. Copans Rd.
Pompano Beach, FL 33064
This event is hosted by Car Show Jean and is a tribute to veterans show. There will be live entertainment by Joey & Gigolos — Classic Doo-Wop. Free food and soft drinks for all, donated by Mission BBQ. From 10 to 11 a.m., prior to the music and car show at the special veterans area in the cemetery, wreaths will be laid on all the veterans graves. Those who would like to volunteer and participate please arrive by 10 a.m. For instructions, call Forest Lawn at 954-784-4000. For more information about this event, call 561-704-0669.
Red Christmas Soiree
Saturday, Dec. 15, 9 p.m.
American Legion Post 287
191 SW 1 Terr.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Donations are $7 in advance and $10 at the door. Hors D’oeuvres will be served. There will be a DJ too.
Letters to Santa Claus
Through Saturday, Dec. 15
The City of Pompano Beach Parks & Recreation Department can help prove Santa’s “real” by delivering the letters to the North Pole and making sure Santa replies to your child’s letter. Letters and envelopes will be available to fill out for jolly ole St. Nicholas at the following recreation centers:
• Emma Lou Olson – 1801 NE 6 St.
• Highlands Center – 1650 NE 50 Ct.
• McNair Center – 951 NW 27 Ave.
• Mitchell Moore Center – 901 NW 10 St.
For more information, visit or call 954-786-4111.
Hadassah Chapter of Deerfield Beach meets
Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2 p.m.
Activity Center in Century Village East
3501 W. Dr.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
They will be celebrating the birthday of their founder, Henrietta Szold. They will also be enjoying a film called, “A Woman Named Golda?” with Ingrid Bergman. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Minerva Katz at 954-427-9902.
Garden Club of Lighthouse Point meets
Thursday, Dec. 20, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Lighthouse Point Yacht Club
2701 NE 42 St.
Lighthouse Point, FL 33064
Speaker will be Jason Liechty, senior environmental coordinator for Broward County Planning & Community Resilience Division. Presentation will be “Rising to the Challenge of Our Rising Seas.” This meeting is open and free to the public. For more information, e-mail Caroline Steffen at c.caroline.steffen@aol.com or visit The Garden Club of Lighthouse Point at www.lhpgc.org.
Holiday Party
Thursday, Dec. 20, 6 p.m.
Deerfield Beach Percy White Library
837 E. Hillsboro Blvd.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
Hosted by Suzy Hammer, event will include stories, humor & songs for the whole family.
Save the Date:
Elegant Champagne Brunch
“Aishes Chayil: Becoming a Woman of Valor”
Sunday, Dec. 30, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Chabad of Deerfield Beach
1874 W. Hillsboro Blvd.
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Come and be inspired by featured speaker Rebbetzin Henya Hertzel. Proceeds benefit The Chabad of Deerfield Beach Kitchen Shower Fund. Tickets: $20 (includes admission and a raffle ticket). Sponsorships: $54 (includes admission and a raffle ticket) Paid reservations Required by Dec. 16. Tickets available online at www.chabaddeerfield.com/4201518. Tickets can also be purchased by contacting Laurie Cadaner-Mendelson at 954-573-3676.